Lead Forensics


AdvantageGo Ingestion – Digitisation through application specific integrations

07.04.22 John Bowers

April 2022 marks the release of AdvantageGo’s Ingestion product – our first formal entry into digitisation tools, and it is a big deal for us. Ingestion represents a powerful addition to our growing product range and serves as the first new deliverable of 2022.
Our Ingestion product is really quite innovative. It affords our customers a no code solution to digitising all manner of documentation in almost no time: a 30-second download and you are operational. Better yet, Ingestion integrates with a number of our other products, most notable of these is our Underwriting workbench. We have tested the time frame from downloading to seeing structured data appear like magic on our Underwriting Workbench. Want to know how long that entire process took? 52 Seconds start to finish!

Let that sink in for a moment – a 20-year-old problem that has required the creation of sub-industries of administrators, a multitude of internal administrators and operations managers, all dissolved into a less-than-60-second process. I am immensely proud of our team for achieving this feat, and it is just the beginning of our journey.

What we’ve ended up with is what is referred to in my digital transformation world as an Application Specific Integration – an affordable, low-cost-of-ownership, simple, elegant solution that can be used and adopted by the most tech-savvy to those who struggle to utilise a fax machine (I fall in both camps ironically, and let’s not mention printers).

It has been truly interesting to see people’s minds be blown away by the simplicity we have managed to embed into this product. I would love to have been able to tap into their subconscious and obtain the unfiltered, unsocially engineered responses to seeing how we have solved a multi-decade old problem and made it look so simple. I will get off the soapbox now but just know it´s genuinely a game-changer product, and I can’t wait to set up demos to walk you through it. It will create better outcomes and underwriting decisions for you; let me explain how.

So what is it that makes the act of ingestion more important than the actual digitisation? Well, that’s multifaceted and needs to be seen to be appreciated, but digitising the information is simply the first step towards better underwriting, administration, and operations management. More importantly, enabling deep analytics to be applied over those who send you business, manage your business, and review what business categories/lines, locations, time frames for completion, revenue, value, and risk in doing so, we are empowering you to put your business under a rigorous review and enabling you to make better informed decisions at a Business as Usual (BaU), board room, and annual planning level (including reviewing, tracking, managing performance and your overarching strategy), becomes infinitely easier through the introduction of the wider tool set we’ve built and will continue to add to as part of our fully managed Ingestion solution.

Click here to find out how you can digitise data in seconds.

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