AdvantageGo Business Continuity and COVID-19
Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by the COVID-19 virus, particularly those who are unwell, and to their families as the pandemic persists. AdvantageGo continues to monitor COVID-19 around the clock under the guidance of our Pandemic Committee, and we continue to take measures to ensure uninterrupted continuity of our business and the support and delivery of projects to our customers.
The wellbeing of our people, their families and our customers is of paramount importance, and we’re abiding by governmental and local rules and restrictions. As many of you will know, we successfully invoked our Business Continuity Plan in advance of the government’s movement restrictions and ultimate lockdowns, and we have 100% coverage for all employees working from home.
We recognise that many of our customers depend on AdvantageGo for their own mission critical operations, and we take our commitment to providing the highest quality secure service both in software support and project delivery very seriously.
Customer support calls and project delivery interactions that are usually undertaken face-to-face have been successfully and seamlessly transitioned to our remote communications technologies, which have been embedded in our business for many years.
We deliver our projects through our ‘Go Deliver’ methodology and have issued a supplemental remote working framework called ‘Go Deliver Online’, which guides our customers and our teams in the best practices of remote delivery.
At this time, our level of service and delivery to our customers remains unimpacted by the COVID-19 virus.
There are no changes to the AdvantageGo Helpdesk system, and this will continue to provide first line of support to all our customers. Customers should continue to deal with the same team and team members as they currently do.
We will continue to communicate with all of our customers regularly during this period, and please do not hesitate to contact your account manager if you have any questions. We hope you and your colleagues remain safe and unimpacted.