The Insurance Insider Monte Carlo Rendez-Vous Roundtable 2019
Are we beyond the point of the “Groundhog Day market” (as one roundtable participant put it)? Is the current hardening market a temporary correction, following some of the largest insured catastrophe losses ever in 2017 and 2018?
In association with The Insurance Insider, we held a roundtable at the Monte Carlo Rendez-vous to take a barometer reading of the state of the market with industry CEOs. Participants in The Insurance Insider’s flagship Monte Carlo roundtable discussed topics such as the “inverted rating curve”, the impact of smart technology and data management, and the current hardening market. Participants debated:
The probabilities of the pricing momentum continuing
Prospects for M&A
Will the last renewal make traditional reinsurance more relevant than before?
Is the current hardening market a temporary correction?
Participants were from: AXA XL, Analytics, Hyperion X, Axis Re, Beach & Associates, Hamilton Re, TigerRisk Partners, Willis Re.
Read on to discover what industry leaders think the market needs to do to survive and thrive in the current climate.