Pyramid – New Insights in Exposure Management
Embedded into AdGo’s platform, Pyramid provides additional decision intelligence analytics to better understand underwriters’ exposures.
AdvantageGo recently met with Pyramid Analytics to discuss how analytics can help improve decision making across the insurance life cycle. The resulting webinar, including partners Cognizant and Datazed, is available to watch online, here.
Pyramid is a decision intelligence tool that is an integral part of the AdvantageGo platform. You might not realise it yet, but this brings some major risk intelligence benefits for new and existing AdGo customers.
Articulating and curating data is what we do at AdGo, and this feeds directly into Pyramid’s key strengths. Most of what AdGo does with data uses artificial intelligence ‘under the hood’ of our unique ‘Central Data Environment’. But capabilities being largely out of sight shouldn’t mean out of mind.
By embedding Pyramid into the AdGo platform, through Exact or Underwriting Workbench, the goal is to produce new insights for underwriting and exposure management, slicing and dicing data in new ways to provide additional value to clients.
Together, we aim to reveal meaningful datapoints from our Central Data Environment, for example, receiving regular data reports that come to the user, as well as running checks to generate insights ad hoc, when needed. These can be used by insurers for exposure management, before or after writing risks, and across all different lines of business, from offshore energy to trade credit.
AdGo’s Exact application is designed to draw in data from the carrier’s policy administration system, such as policy dates and limits, for instance, for a Florida wind-exposed property.
This critical decision-making data is then presented to the Exposure Manager or Underwriter in a manner which permits them to see the totality of the risk, their current exposure, and their remaining quota (or overrun), facilitating an on-the-spot decision as to whether to write or decline the risk – without the need to refer to multiple systems and sources of data.
Data can be compared and scenarios can be run to provide exposure numbers, broken down in different ways, such has by peril scores or geographically by counties and zip codes. Exact finds the data, does the number crunching, and Pyramid runs the reports with the clarity required for better decision-making.
What clients do with those highly customisable reports is up to them. They can be exported and shared as required, whether for an underwriter to segment data to make day-to-day tactical decisions on a particular piece of business, a regular portfolio report that needs to be sent to a reinsurer, or ahead of a board meeting, to enable senior management to effectively present the picture of exposures in the portfolio, broken down by peril or geography, in order to take strategic decisions at the highest level.