
Special Episode: The Future of Underwriting

It starts-off as a quick run through the state of the market through the eyes of two very senior underwriting practitioners.

In partnership with Mark Geoghegan, we organised a podcast with James Slaughter, Chief Underwriting Officer at Apollo Syndicate 1969 and Silvi Wompa Sinclair – Group Head of Portfolio Underwriting from Swiss Re to chat about the business transformation of underwriting and well placed outline vision of the future of the Underwriting profession.

Today’s podcast is in two parts:

  1. The state of the underwriting profession itself and how the life of an underwriter is going to change in the future.
  2. Transformation in the way all underwriters work is coming and everyone needs to get ready to change the way they do business in order to reap the benefits.

From this podcast, the message was very clear, Productivity is set to rise enormously as the machines do a lot more of the grunt work, but the good news for underwriters and brokers is that the roles for the humans in the process are going to become a lot more interesting.

Listen on for a fascinating and inspiring dive into the future of underwriting.

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